
17. August 2020

Julia Enders welcome to our team!

She will support us in regulatory affairs projects. We are pleased to have found such a cheerful and competent person with experience in regulatory affairs for medical software and wish her a good start.

For more information about Julia please visit his profile on LinkedIn.

18. June 2020

We are a DayOne Accelerator partner!

Innovation in digital health offers a huge opportunity to create true value by improving patient care and clinical outcomes. This, especially in telemedicine, diagnostics, and prevention or early detection. Sharing common missions with the DayOne Accelerator, we are happy to be their partner and support the start-ups of the DayOne Accelerator programm, increase their chances for success and accelerate their time-to market.

DayOne, initiated by a Core Team of volunteering industry experts, medical doctors, tech enthusiasts and researchers, serves a growing community of 2000 healthcare innovators throughout the Basel life sciences and healthcare ecosystem. DayOne is operated by, the office for promoting innovation and inward investment for the cantons of Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Jura. DayOne is supported with a special financial contribution by the canton of Basel-Stadt and also by a wide range of knowledge partners and supporting partners.

For more information about Dayone click here

25. May 2020

Postponement of MDR – opportunities, pitfalls and impact on timelines


Now you have the opportunity for MDD submissions, the door has reopened for a moment. This might facilitate your market access. Please find below some answers to the most important questions regarding timelines.


16. May 2020


Effectum Medical is a young company that is breaking new ground in the areas of quality management and regulatory affairs in the medical device industry. Our vision is to facilitate and accelerate medical device product innovation by offering an affordable, outsourced quality management system (QMS) and legal manufacturing. Our customers are start-ups, as well as global medical device manufacturers.

To further grow our company, we are looking for a

Project Manager Regulatory Affairs (60-100%)

to join our team.


31. March 2020


If the MDR will be implemented in May this year, it is very likely, that the MRA (Mutual Recognition Agreement) between Switzerland and Europe will not be signed before that date. Therefore, Swiss Med-Tech Companies will need an authorised representative in the EU. Effectum Medical is prepared and can ensure its customers seamless access to the European market.

26. March 2020


We are happy to announce that our team keeps on growing. We would like to welcome Monika Trümpler who has joined us as of March 19th as Marketing & Management Support . Monika looks back to more than 20 years of experience in marketing and administration. We’re glad to welcome her to our team and to count on her support on our marketing and administrative tasks. For more information about Monika please visit her profile on LinkedIn.


24. January 2020

Wir suchen Verstärkung für unser Team

Bist Du interessiert in einem jungen dynamischen Team die Firma aktiv mitzugestalten? Dann suchen wir vielleicht genau Dich!

MitarbeiterIn Administration 40%


18. December 2019

Woman in Digital Health – Event

Wednesday, January 8th, 18:30-21:00 in Zürich

Woman in Digital Health – Event
“WiDh presents: Karina Candrian (Medtech Entrepreneur)”
Click here for more information

16. December 2019

Congratulations to Nila and Karina!

Innosuisse Coaches Nila-Pia Rähle and Karina Candrian

Congratulations to our new Innosuisse-Coaches Nila-Pia Rähle (COO at Effectum Medical) and Karina Candrian (CEO at Effectum Medical).
Please click here for more information on the start-up coaching from Innosuisse.

06. November 2019

Put it simply – the new UDI-System

A straightforward overview with a practical example

Download our white paper 

The white paper provides a straightforward illustration and description of the UDI System, based on a practical example.

The new EU-Regulation for medical devices (MDR) requires a unique product identification and the adherence to registration regulation.

The UDI code shall be publicly available through registration in a central database. The requirement for UDI is new and the central database is not yet available. Therefore, no practical examples and experiences are available. However, medical device manufacturers must find a way to prepare for the implementation of the UDI system.