21. September 2021
Paving the way for innovative medical devices – overcoming regulatory hurdles for development in academia

Not only a great contribution by DKF (Department of Clinical Research, University of Basel) and DBE (Department of Biomedical Engineering | University of Basel), but above all a pragmatic way how to succeed in the university sector
- – to quickly make innovative developments available to research
- – to keep the well-being of patients in mind.
We are honored to have been selected as a partner and to be able to assist with our quality management system and regulatory affairs expertise.
These are projects that fit Effectum Medical’s DNA – bringing medical device innovations to market efficiently and cost-effectively. Many thanks to Prof. Philippe Claude Cattin, Robin Sandkühler, Roland John, Christiane Pauli-Magnus, Dr. Unfer-Grauwiler Sandra for the great collaboration!
We are looking forward to the first market approvals and wish the team continued success!
For all interested parties, here is the access to the whole article, page 12-16
DKForum_Ausgabe17_Online-2.pdf (249 downloads )